Food Interviews

Food Education at Washingborough Academy aims to reach beyond just school, connections between school and home provide an important link in developing a food education that lasts a lifetime. Harnessing the connections between food in our own experiences and that of members of the wider community encourages curiosity around food.

In this project children were given the opportunity to interview grandparents of year 6 children during a ‘Grandparents event’ at Washingborough Academy. Grandparents were invited to see the children showcase their learning from the term and their ‘It’s a Jungle Out There!’ projects. This was a perfect opportunity to build those food connections between school and home.

The children came up with questions that they wanted to ask the grandparents, which ranged from favourite recipes, to childhood cooking and inspirations. The children took on roles of interviewer and producer.  The children faced the challenges of getting willing participants and then interviewing during a busy event. They recorded the interviews on an Ipad. After the event the children used iMovie to edit the interviews and create a film all about their grandparents and food.  When completed the children presented their film to the wider school. 

Pupils also interviewed the school chef - finding out more about his favourite food. This gives children the opportunity to find out more about the important work that the school cook does behind the scenes in the canteen.

What are the benefits/outcomes of a digital approach to this activity?

  • Pupils building important food home-school links
  • Pupils having the opportunity to explore similarities and differences, and build connections with food ‘now’ and ‘then’
  • Pupils get an insight into food experiences from members of their wider community  
  • Share project work in school to a wider audience
  • Giving children ownership of producing something that can showcase their digital skills
  • Add breadth to a curriculum topic and create curriculum links 
  • Additional skills that children can learn; using digital software  


  • Smart phone or tablet, tripod and microphone if available
  • Ask the school cook, parents or other members of the school community whether they can be interviewed about food and cooking
  • Prepare some questions to ask the interviewees
  • Think about a suitable location and plan for different angles, close-ups, and long range shots
  • Task pupils with different roles for interviewing, making and editing the film

Web links
